Successful Go-live at Autocom Diagnostic, Sweden

Successful Go-live at Autocom Diagnostic, Sweden
SE Autocom

On the 9th of January 2023, we successfully went live with WS1 for SE-Autocom. Our team faced many challenges along the way, including mapping current processes to WS1 standard procedure, agreeing on some common grounds as well as cleaning up historical data. However, despite these obstacles, our team came right back with a successful rollout. SE-Autocom's headquarters are in Trollhattan, Sweden, and its main warehouse is located near Kunzelsau, Germany.

This was a first-of-its-kind WS1 implementation for Wurth allied companies. The integration with an already-running warehouse was another challenge, as Autocom shares warehouse space with WoW and Wabco-Wurth. Nevertheless, our team was able to migrate stock onto WS1, convert articles from non-valuated to valuated article types, and address complex tax determination procedures during order processing.

WIT-IN takes pride in witnessing the achievement of this milestone through the consistent dedication and efforts of the WS1 Team which resulted in a seamless transition to the new system for SE-Autocom. It will provide SE-Autocom with streamlined processes, increased efficiency, and improved accuracy, which will eventually lead to increased customer satisfaction and growth of the company